Thomas Hardy
Autumn in King’s Hintock Park
Here by the baring bough
       &nbsp Raking up leaves,
Often I ponder how
       &nbsp Springtime deceives, -
I, an old woman now,
       &nbsp Raking up leaves.

Here in the avenue
       &nbsp Raking up leaves,
Lords' ladies pass in view,
       &nbsp Until one heaves
Sighs at life's russet hue,
       &nbsp Raking up leaves!

Just as my shape you see
       &nbsp Raking up leaves,
I saw, when fresh and free,
       &nbsp Those memory weaves
Into grey ghosts by me,
       &nbsp Raking up leaves.

Yet, Dear, though one may sigh,
       &nbsp Raking up leaves,
New leaves will dance on high -
       &nbsp Earth never grieves! -
Will not, when missed am I
       &nbsp Raking up leaves.