Vic Chesnutt
Fun Party/Shoestring Store
(That was brutiful)
Fun party
Fun party
Fun party, party, party...
Party, party, party, party, party
Fun party
Fun party
Fun party, party, party...
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I went looking for gold
I went looking for silver
I went looking for a little nylon shoestring
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
Shoplift, shoplift, shoplift, shop
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
Shoplift, shoplift, shoplift, shop
Shoplift, shoplift, shoplift, shop
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I went down to the shoestring store to buy myself some shoestrings
I couldn’t find them in my size
I want a gold one
I want a silver one
I wanted some with freckles
I want a gold one
I want a silver one
I wanted some with freckles
Shoplift, shoplift, shoplift, shop
Shoplift, shoplift, shoplift
Fun party
Fun party
Fun party, party, party...