Paul Shapera
The Mayor and the Meme
I smell a dead and rotting swine
Oh look the mayors come, but why
You are not welcome here

I know
I have to, please, you must be told
Everything i always do
Is for the city’s common good

My wife was from this city too

We haven't time, a war it brews

Scars and menace
The dance of dark vendettas
The waltz of tears and knives, the dark ballet

You cannot fathom what we do
The singularity comes soon
There is no soon i’m trying to say
Cascadia is on its way

Avalon in wreckage lies
A total fairy genocide
And now their army this way walks
Please, i ask, can we just talk

Scars and menace
The dance of dark vendettas
The waltz of tears and knives, the dark ballet

So we must deal with the devil
When the apocalypse arrives
We have all spoken and agreed that
We will fight then by your side

Han Mi:
And so Xandoria and New Albion braced themselves as the massive Cascadian war machine swiftly approached