Hilltop Hoods

Any Given D-Day (2018)

Everyone We Know (2017)

Genius Artist Archives (2016)

Seven Mirrors (2016)

2015 Golden Era Mixtape (2015)

Beat The Drum – Celebrating 40 Years of triple j (2015)

Nobody’s Business (2015)

Cinematic (2013)

2012 Golden Era Mixtape (2012)

2011 Golden Era Mixtape (2011)

Australian Hip Hop Supports CanTeen (2011)

Marked For Death (2011)

The Blacklist (2010)

Strange Journey Volume One (2009)

The Hangover (2008)

Diggi Down Unda (2006)

The Greatest Hits (2006)

Axis (2005)

Drastik Measures (2004)

Who’s Your Step Daddy? (2003)

ObeseCity (2002)

Suffering City: Volume One (2002)

Culture of Kings Vol. 1 (2000)

Overgrown Town (2000)

After Hours Demo (1999)

Highlanders (1994)

2016 Golden Era Mixtape (artist: Golden Era Records)